Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Hobi saya mencuri.COOL kan?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Dgn nama Allah yg maha pemurah dan maha pengampun dosa hambaNya yg suka mencuri.

Hobi saya mencuri.COOL tak? Huhu. Cool tau. Bole dpt duit. Senang nak topup. Bole sms bf saya. Bole bagi mak saya. Mesti die bangga dpt anak mcm saya. bestttnyerr !

Sbnrnye sy tau mencuri tu berdosa. Hukumnya potong tgn. Hukum qisas. Bunuh dibalas bunuh. Huhu.tapi ADA AKU KESAH ?

Mana tahan nampak duit tebal2 dlm purse,dlm dompet,tas tangan,kocek..aku?sesen pon tak ada.aku nak enjoy !

Tp kalau mencuri brg yg aku dah ada contohnye mcm kamera,henpon,cermin mata,seluar,beg tgn,baju? OH TU HOBI....tgn aku gatal kalau x ambil aku ambil la satu.orait?cool tak?huhu....PEMURAH.

okeh.mukadimah yg panjang.sampai terover the limit.dah nak masuk tazkirah kes pencurik dlm rumah okeh.kdg2 keluarga sendiri.saudara jauh,saudara dekat,BAU BAU BACANG,kawan baik,kawan atas kawan,anak makcik,sepupu sepapat,makcik retarded pon ada.hish KUSUT kn?

Pantang letak seluar kt gantungan,kalau ada seringgit pon die nk kebas.TAK CUKUP NK BELI ROKOK katanya.adehh..HOBI.

pantang dtg rumah org,masuk bilik org,geledah sana sini,mata melilau.huhu.carik CCTV ke hape?kalau nk tgok video hot aku kt you tube aje..

Kwn aku td merungut.duit hantaran masa tunang(hantaran ke?)kene kebas.duit tu sbg tanda la jumlah hantaran berapa.kalau 9000,so kene la letak 90 ringgit malaysia dan begitulah seterusnya...itu pon kne kebas.WTF!(oops!tuyun..jaga mulut tu.jadi la bakal menantu yg baik budi bahasanya ye.nanti kne reject lg.huhu.ok)

tak bole sabar sbnrnye bile dgr duit segitu pon ada org jadikn koleksi hobinya.tapi....rasulullah s.a.w ada bersabda yg lebih kurang berbunyi,kawal kemarahanmu jika tidak mahu masuk ke neraka.straight to the point ok.NERAKA!so kawal amarah tu...

Aku cuma boleh bagi nasihat aje.dlm dunia skrg,sesiapa pon xbole dipercaya.walaupun keluarga sendiri.kita harus SELFISH! HARUS! kalau tak, org xpandang ikan kita. Malah dipijaknya kepala.

Lepas ni sila mangga pintu bilik,beli mangga solect(salah eja agaknya),pasang CCTV,letak sensor,alarm bagai...senang nk trace.nk lagi selamat,simpan aje di rumah aku.kalau hilang,aku yg ambil.TAPI AKU GANTI LA.hehehe...

ok?paham?sebab pencurik ni kdg2 die mmg sejak azali HOBI pelik,HOBI eksotik.


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

my life would suck without you!

Guess this means you're sorry 
You're standing at my door 
Guess this means you take back 
All you said before 
Like how much you wanted 
Anyone but me 
Said you'd never come back 
But here you are again 

'Cause we belong together now, yeah 
Forever united here somehow, yeah 
You got a piece of me 
And honestly, 
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you 

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye 
Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight 
I know that I've got issues 
But you're pretty messed up too 
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you 

'Cause we belong together now, yeah 
Forever united here somehow, yeah 
You got a piece of me 
And honestly, 
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you 

Being with you 
Is so disfunctional 
I really shouldn't miss you 
But I can’t let you go 
Oh yeah 

'Cause we belong together now, yeah 
Forever united here somehow, yeah 
You got a piece of me 
And honestly, 
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you 

'Cause we belong together now, yeah 
Forever united here somehow, yeah 
You got a piece of me 
And honestly, 
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you

Saturday, 18 April 2009

this nite was scary me!

hye.i dun now why this nite make me so scary.i saw many things that will make me wanna...Damn it!i can't explain when that thing comes to me rite now.i have to reopen my room's door to let my fren see me inside.beside that i am dying alone in the room!it just 12.58 am...still young nite and all my fren just watching the television even the final exam is just around the corner.
i dated with him that nite.just after that i saw the thing.he said maybe that thing comes to me from him.a transformation process from him to me.that wasn't scared me either.i am cool babe.ya i hope that very damn much.
i dun even study tonite.just because i feel not good.thinking when this shit will go away permanently from my life.shit!fuck you

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

being a backstabbers is such a good feelin...

sometimes we used to be a backstabber in our friends' life.what a choke!but sumetime people doesn't undestand what is the real story of the people who are called "backstabber"...don't simply judge people by what is he or she is the other side people should think of the better sense and positively result arising from the backstabber incident.

better action is dun be a backstabber unless u are force to do that!ok?
for those who are experienced be as a backstabber before, for sure u having agood time with it huh.what a shame of u.but nice try...sometimes people doesn't know what u are thinking about.but i am very sure that there is something positive by being a backstabber.i said because before this a person who is being my good friends somehow called me a "backstabber"!!!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

live in action

as a human,people are able to control thier with such a fucking idiot will make u never appreciate life at all.that's wasn't your fault.but they are forced u to said"that is my fault"...

where is ur power?
where is ur soul?
god gives u eye to look the other way of life in a different perspective.
unfortunatey people won't.
everyday people make a better way of their life.
but he never think of others.
such an idiot try to help others by making them laugh.
inside of itself is like a hell.
where is the fairness from the human to human?
where is the happiness to be share?
think very deep...
look widely...
i am a human with an extraordinary.
but they are all blind...
to see...